Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Youve done such a brutal job, you deserve a bonus !

It used to be, when you did a good job, you got a pat ion the back and a "thanks for a job well done." In saying that, it also used to hold true that if you did a shit job, you were called out, or canned... simple.

Nowadays, none of that shit holds true, and it's gotta piss you off as much as it does me. So let me get this straight. The banks have done such a piss poor in managing money they were almost dead.... ok... so lets buy all their bad debt with taxpayers money.... What the fuck ? So, you would think that us bailing them out would mean they would in turn pass on that good fortune to us right ? Hell no ! Instead, the screw turns even tighter, we take the high hard one and they move on. Big bonuses on the way, vacations and I can only imagine the sweet parties coming up for the holidays. Assholes... I mean who's watching the foxes in the henhouse ? Friggen morons... the rich get richer and we lose everything and get no help.... ya cant make this shit up folks....

Now we have the Big 3.... more monumental boneheads of industry... making shitty decisions for decades, and now they want to be bailed out as well... I mean come on now, gas is $1.25/litre... I know, lets bring back the hemi.... yes, good thinking, "great idea boss!" Now these auto union dickheads are not interested in concessions in order to keep jobs alive ? Seriously ? Ok, then.... declare bankruptcy and screw the unions, period ! Will the price of a car go down in keeping with our bailout cash ? I am thinking not.

So sad when nobody bats an eyelash at all these assholes getting cash for a job done so poorly, they need more of our money to replace all of our money they already lost. They should get no money until all those dicks are replaced.. or have paid it back... Banks making $500M quarters ? Is that losing money ?

Man are we ever stupid. The destruction of the middle class, here it comes. Suck it up chuckles, you let it happen. Idiots !

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