Used to be when you handed over your money, or at least signed up for something, like a service, you more or less got what you paid for.... ahh the good old days of rose coloured glasses.

It seems nowadays, everyone is just out to jack you. It rare to find someone selling you something that is what it is. You know up front that its a good deal or a bad deal. I would hasten to say that I have had my share of bad deals. Whether it ends up working out or not, it was still smelly, and frankly, a pain in the ass I wish I never had to be part of.....
In their own twisted minds they seem to think that you are at fault. or at least partially responsible for them not being able to deliver the goods. You may think that everyone is stupid except for you and you loyal minions, but, as Michael Corleone once said, and as you always find out, no one every got fucked that didn't have it coming...... I'm not interested in paying you to learn, not on my time or my nickle.. no way, no how, nor am I interested in just giving you money cuz I feel like it..... now piss off and go find some other sucker.... idiots
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