I have to say, I never really intended to revive this, but the latest episode of City of the Stupid has reinvigorated my creative juices, and I simply couldnt resist... not this time anyway...
So after nearly a month of the gargbage nazi's rule, I ventured downtown last night to see a friend of mine. He lives right in the belly of the beast, beside Sick Kids. I expected the worst, but was pleasantly surprised by the lack of stench, and smiled. Must have been the torrential rains washing away the sons of the city. Thank god, or whomever.
I havent seen him in a bit, so it was time. While on my way to his place, I passed the US Consolate, and across from it, the Tamil protest, now in day 93, 24/7 as I read on a sign.
Those folks have conviction let me tell you, but I guess thats better than having AK's firing at you. But anyway. Quite the effect they are having... yawn (ie... get a fucking job people, or get on a goddamn plane, go home, and make a difference there willya ?You're just in the way and pissing is off now.) There must have been 50 cops watching these idiots. Nice Saturday night out for some I guess.This brings me to Mayor Miller, and his Communist treatment of the good people of Toronto. These are truly the folks I feel for. I have to tell you... this dickweed has single handedly turned the fantastic City of Toronto into a shithole, worthy of his governence. This asshat clearly thinks his shit doesnt stink., and for all purposes it may not, only because it cannot permeate the stench of his mayoral term, and team.

This guy is a scumbag of the utmost degree, lining his pockets while emptying yours. Until they (the people of Toronto) toss his ass out on the street like he deserves, they will be trod on like bugs. His union friends are fucked, time to get in tune with the real world. The meal ticket is over, you are worth $12 an hour on the open market. You will get what you deserve for this... you have no support... Your bosses will sell you out to keep their plum gigs that cost each of tyou $25/month no doubt. Much like the majority of city councellors, you have no personal integrity, thats your problem.
Now lets see how that holds you over when you're getting my drive thru coffee... assholes !
Dont even get me started on McGuinty, the Ostrich King of Ontario...
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