What a wonderful time to be a democracy
isn't it ? Woo
Hoo !
Now here in Canada, unlike the US, we have a number of choices for the leader of our free nation. I say that while I look over my shoulder for the bitch slap that should really follow such a statement.
Is it any doubt we have such low voter turnout ? People
already know that no matter what happens, who win, and no matter the circumstances that victory is attained ( hear that America ?) that anything or maybe to some extent everything they promised was nothing more than a
pantload (
isn't that
right Dalton
McSquinty ?).

Well, I'm not about to sit by and watch these weasels sing and dance and promise the world without ever saying my piece.
So here we have Comrade Jack, spewing off about spending, spending and more spending. How will he do that ? Well its his intent to tell business to go screw themselves,
that's how... nice....
isn't that whats killing our economy right now ? Oh
forgot to tell you that part, how convenient. Seems to me he and his
NDP typically leave nothing but carnage behind.
Isn't that right Bob Rae ? Speaking of Bob, funny he's with another group now, changed his stripes, swapped teams, whatever.... Sure, we trust you. Yikes.....lets go ruin another team shall we ?
All I want to say is that all these yo
yo's are really pigeons, all of em.... I
haven't heard anyone outside of the Green's really try and deal with the issues that affect all of us. They are all spending too much time and energy using politics to win. discredit the other guy, win by default, not by telling what it is you are going to do to save us from ourselves. Sad part is, Green is just too, well, green, but their time will come.
Now, when some of the crews see they cant win, they are telling people to vote against other parties. How retarded. Nice battle plan..... good luck with that ... and still they will have sheep that believe that is actually a plan for success.
Idiots !