Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Youve done such a brutal job, you deserve a bonus !

It used to be, when you did a good job, you got a pat ion the back and a "thanks for a job well done." In saying that, it also used to hold true that if you did a shit job, you were called out, or canned... simple.

Nowadays, none of that shit holds true, and it's gotta piss you off as much as it does me. So let me get this straight. The banks have done such a piss poor in managing money they were almost dead.... ok... so lets buy all their bad debt with taxpayers money.... What the fuck ? So, you would think that us bailing them out would mean they would in turn pass on that good fortune to us right ? Hell no ! Instead, the screw turns even tighter, we take the high hard one and they move on. Big bonuses on the way, vacations and I can only imagine the sweet parties coming up for the holidays. Assholes... I mean who's watching the foxes in the henhouse ? Friggen morons... the rich get richer and we lose everything and get no help.... ya cant make this shit up folks....

Now we have the Big 3.... more monumental boneheads of industry... making shitty decisions for decades, and now they want to be bailed out as well... I mean come on now, gas is $1.25/litre... I know, lets bring back the hemi.... yes, good thinking, "great idea boss!" Now these auto union dickheads are not interested in concessions in order to keep jobs alive ? Seriously ? Ok, then.... declare bankruptcy and screw the unions, period ! Will the price of a car go down in keeping with our bailout cash ? I am thinking not.

So sad when nobody bats an eyelash at all these assholes getting cash for a job done so poorly, they need more of our money to replace all of our money they already lost. They should get no money until all those dicks are replaced.. or have paid it back... Banks making $500M quarters ? Is that losing money ?

Man are we ever stupid. The destruction of the middle class, here it comes. Suck it up chuckles, you let it happen. Idiots !

Thursday, October 30, 2008

You get what you deserve... eventually

Used to be when you handed over your money, or at least signed up for something, like a service, you more or less got what you paid for.... ahh the good old days of rose coloured glasses.

It seems nowadays, everyone is just out to jack you. It rare to find someone selling you something that is what it is. You know up front that its a good deal or a bad deal. I would hasten to say that I have had my share of bad deals. Whether it ends up working out or not, it was still smelly, and frankly, a pain in the ass I wish I never had to be part of.....

In their own twisted minds they seem to think that you are at fault. or at least partially responsible for them not being able to deliver the goods. You may think that everyone is stupid except for you and you loyal minions, but, as Michael Corleone once said, and as you always find out, no one every got fucked that didn't have it coming...... I'm not interested in paying you to learn, not on my time or my nickle.. no way, no how, nor am I interested in just giving you money cuz I feel like it..... now piss off and go find some other sucker.... idiots

Thursday, October 23, 2008

I hate being sick !

Here we go again! I can't stand feeling out of being all plugged up like a bad drain, coughing every 6 seconds, taking medicine that does nothing except empty my damn wallet. I will soon be sick of soup, kleenex, drippy snot, and eventually people I'm sure.

This is just the beginning of this irritaing cold. It's just a fricking cold so no antibiotics are going to help. The doctor will only give you more shit thats not going to do anything. Great. I hate cough medicine. I'd rather lick my garage floor. I'd like to stay home, but, due to work volume, cant really afford to.

Nonetheless I am sick, which I haven't in a while. The throat is throbbing, the coughing... damn !. I can't really rest - I don't think it's in my DNA. I am so much less productive and so much more frustrated. Ok, I hate it, I'll just say it

You know what the funny part is? I always hated people who go to the office with the plague. Now I am one. What an asshole......

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Election time again ?

What a wonderful time to be a democracy isn't it ? Woo Hoo !

Now here in Canada, unlike the US, we have a number of choices for the leader of our free nation. I say that while I look over my shoulder for the bitch slap that should really follow such a statement.

Is it any doubt we have such low voter turnout ? People already know that no matter what happens, who win, and no matter the circumstances that victory is attained ( hear that America ?) that anything or maybe to some extent everything they promised was nothing more than a pantload (isn't that right Dalton McSquinty ?).

Well, I'm not about to sit by and watch these weasels sing and dance and promise the world without ever saying my piece.

So here we have Comrade Jack, spewing off about spending, spending and more spending. How will he do that ? Well its his intent to tell business to go screw themselves, that's how... nice.... isn't that whats killing our economy right now ? Oh yeh, forgot to tell you that part, how convenient. Seems to me he and his NDP typically leave nothing but carnage behind. Isn't that right Bob Rae ? Speaking of Bob, funny he's with another group now, changed his stripes, swapped teams, whatever.... Sure, we trust you. Yikes.....lets go ruin another team shall we ?

All I want to say is that all these yo yo's are really pigeons, all of em.... I haven't heard anyone outside of the Green's really try and deal with the issues that affect all of us. They are all spending too much time and energy using politics to win. discredit the other guy, win by default, not by telling what it is you are going to do to save us from ourselves. Sad part is, Green is just too, well, green, but their time will come.

Now, when some of the crews see they cant win, they are telling people to vote against other parties. How retarded. Nice battle plan..... good luck with that ... and still they will have sheep that believe that is actually a plan for success.

Idiots !

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Whats up with some people anyway ?

Every day I read something about some poor hard done by sap. Had his wallet stolen, bank account emptied, whatever. It occurred to me, why are these people always the same ones over and over that are the victims of these events ? You know why? They never do anything to change it.... oh poor me, why me ? Not me again.....

For me, thats a pantload, if you claim to be always be a victim, they are becoming a self-fulfilling prophecy. By wallowing in the self pity, they cant see all the possible opportunities that will move them ahead. Cry if you want, but this is voluntary, and you know it. Your not powerless, or blameless.

Get on with it will you ? Before your kids grow up just like you ..... when that happens, you have done nothing more than create more victims.... happy now ?

Monday, September 29, 2008

Heres what I just dont get....

Street racers.... and I think I might need some help here... I mean what are you ? retarded ? You have a piece of shit car with a coffee can muffler and $20,000.00 worth of mods....

Now what I really dont understand is, how, when pulled over and tagged by the cops, do you somehow think you have been wronged. How? You know what I think ? I think all you shits should have your insurance companies notified, thats what I think. You know what else ? I think they should scour you littel rice rocket to see if it IS in fact what you are insuring. If its not, well then guess what ? How about your car now goes to auction, and an insurance fraud charge ? Would you like that ? I would, and so would every other person that drives the roadways would cheer your impending litigation.....

What say you now ?


Tuesday, September 23, 2008

We're off to see the wizard...

the pendulum has swung, the axe has fallen.... and what has happened to change it ?

So finally the scumbags of Wall Street, have met the same fate as the Wizard of Oz. the curtain has been pulled back to reveal their misdeeds, failings, and subsequent pay bonuses. Awesome !

The land of freedom, democracy and plenty (plenty of debt that is) is succumbing to its debt. You see, when scumbags are rewarded for doing a shit job, we all pay. Them that is. Now all those poor saps in the US are wondering why they lost their jobs when they were doing a good job. Well its simple, your bosses boss, and the "Dicks of Wall St" sold you out, and have been for decades. They spent the last while short selling your ass, and you all let em. Your job is now being done by some dude making $10 a day. Thank Wall St and the need for more profit margin, shareholder value and zillion dollar bonuses.

How did you ever expect to get away with a sub prime mortgage ? Never ever paying principle, what are you ? New ? Dont pay for your car till 2015 ? Jesus man..... You see its really simple math, and you failed it.

Idiots !

Monday, September 15, 2008

Another weekend gone on a blur...

and not much to show for it... well, almost.

I like it when a joke grows right on front of your very eyes, don't you ?

I spent most of the weekend at rinks with hockey. Its like a friggen circus, with parents front and centre as the clowns. I love watching kids play, but the moron sperm and egg donors some of these kids are forced to be caged with is just this side of mentally unstable. I know you all hear about, and in some cases has witnessed some these neanderthal men and their cave women, but the GTHL is the king, bar none, of these spectacles of mismatched genetics. Wanting to see kids hurt other kids, nothing to do with the game.... get a life willya ?

Then funny thing about this is, that you, like me probably have some of those evil thoughts, like, "I'll just like to walk up behind that loudmouth dude and smash his face right into the glass." Yes I know its wrong, yes I know it would actually be a crime, so it wouldn't happen, not like that. So I wonder, aside from all that keeps us civilized(not necessarily that hockey guy), how many other would like to do the same, don't be shy. Above all though, I wonder, after having his ignorant, loud belligerent head summarily smashed into the glass with tremendous force, would he even notice?

Over and out !

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

I've had it up to here....

So, I have absolutely no issues with people coming to our great country to start a new life. After all, at some point in our history our ancestors, and in many cases our immediate families fit the bill. It was as good for us then as it is for many now. For that opportunity we are grateful. We followed the rules and were summarily rewarded.

What I do have a problem with is criminals and the like showing up here, claiming refugee status, and then being treated better than the ones that are paying the freight. Those very same asshats then proceed to become the very type of person they claim to be running from. I mean these idiots are running around blowing people away in broad daylight, and what do the ones complaining have to say ? "I didn't see anything" Well screw you ! Grow some stones will you ?

Now lets say, for some unknown reason the perp actually is picked up and found to be here without papers awaiting a refugee hearing, or, for that matter, isn't even a citizen. Guess what ? The next shuttle back to your place of origin, heaved out the door on the tarmac to await your fate. Fuck you I say. You had your shot and blew it. Now piss off.

If you come back and are caught again. Off to Ellesmere or Baffin Island with a pair of gloves and a shovel..... kiss my ass, and watch out for the Polar bears, they are hungry as shit because their habitat is melting...

Hows that for killing 2 birds with one stone ?

Gotta love politics.. dont you ?

Funny thing politics, nowhere else can do do so little and recieve so much for so long. No other choice, or, Im sorry, career choice allows one to spout off about how good it will be for you when they gain power and win the election, and then, over the course of their term, go back on everything they said to get your vote. Kind of reminds me of high school.

Remember those promises of the pop machine in the cafeteria ? Brilliant campaign strategy. Sounds like the Liberals and their promise to axe the GST... and viola, a decade later, and its still here. For me, I really dont give a rats ass who is in powere ok ? All I want is any one of these dicks to do whats right for us, just once.... idiots !

Sunday, September 7, 2008

I always liked science....

You know, still to this day I appreciate the hard work of Darwin, who really did get it right didnt he ?

It always makes me say, "Hmmm, its about time isnt it ? " when you hear of some idiot that was drunk and was going the wrong way down the street when he lost control and smashed into a pole, killing himself instantly. He was such a wonderful and devoted father blah blah blah, well, except for the selfish drunk part where de didnt give a shit about anyone else so he drove drunk... oops, they forgot to mention that.

Now dont get me wrong, I mean I do feel sorry, not for him, but for whomevers property he trashed. Lets face it, this guy was just plain culled from the herd. Plain and simple. His family, while sad, will rejoice when the insurance cheque comes in because they will be far better off without the loser, as will we all.

Darwin 1- Idiots 0.

Funny how some things happen.

Now dont get me wrong....but generally, I dont really have any issue with people having to opportunity to drive. What I do take issue with is the fact that people actually believe its a right. A right ? Are you friggen joking me ? So imagine, if you will, you average trip to work in the morning , ever see any idiots behind the wheel, and you wonder how the fuck they ever got that license .... well wonder no more. I believe they all came to Brampton to get it. I just spent and hour driving around this, my home town, and I must say... UGLY. After all, it cant get any easier than being hooked up by your brother, who got the job at the licensing office as part of his most excellent refugee claim, along with his apartment and free dental.

Well screw that.... Ive been driving in this town for damn near 30 years, and I cant believe the shit that goes on. What is with these goddamn idiots that will go across 3 lanes so they can hang a U turn right in the middle of the intersection. Where are the cops ? Nabbing some hard working taxpayer for doing 70 in a 60... get it together will you ?

I say let Darwin take care of em, all over..... cull the herd, no one will mind... I certainly wont .... it will be welcome retribution to see some stupid prick get blasted by a transport in the middle of an intersection because he's hanging a U turn in the left turn lane of a major intersection.... shame really, for the truck driver I mean. 1,000,000 Petro points to the guy in the rig....

Roll on .....

Friday, September 5, 2008

It never ceases to amaze me....

the lengths some people will go to in order to make sure know they make more money that you ....

I mean seriously, its not like I give a shit. Its money and stuff, nothing more. We all know people who have it dont we ? Why flaunt it to your friend unless you are a total fuckwit, and dont really have any friends, or, thats just your lifes goal....

In either case, get a grip....