So finally the scumbags of Wall Street, have met the same fate as the Wizard of Oz. the curtain has been pulled back to reveal their misdeeds, failings, and subsequent pay bonuses. Awesome !
The land of freedom, democracy and plenty (plenty of debt that is) is succumbing to its debt. You see, when scumbags are rewarded for doing a shit job, we all pay. Them that is. Now all those poor saps in the US are wondering why they lost their jobs when they were doing a good job. Well its simple, your bosses boss, and the "Dicks of Wall St" sold you out, and have been for decades. They spent the last while short selling your ass, and you all let em. Your job is now being done by some dude making $10 a day. Thank Wall St and the need for more profit margin, shareholder value and zillion dollar bonuses.

How did you ever expect to get away with a sub prime mortgage ? Never ever paying principle, what are you ? New ? Dont pay for your car till 2015 ? Jesus man..... You see its really simple math, and you failed it.
Idiots !
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