Thursday, October 30, 2008

You get what you deserve... eventually

Used to be when you handed over your money, or at least signed up for something, like a service, you more or less got what you paid for.... ahh the good old days of rose coloured glasses.

It seems nowadays, everyone is just out to jack you. It rare to find someone selling you something that is what it is. You know up front that its a good deal or a bad deal. I would hasten to say that I have had my share of bad deals. Whether it ends up working out or not, it was still smelly, and frankly, a pain in the ass I wish I never had to be part of.....

In their own twisted minds they seem to think that you are at fault. or at least partially responsible for them not being able to deliver the goods. You may think that everyone is stupid except for you and you loyal minions, but, as Michael Corleone once said, and as you always find out, no one every got fucked that didn't have it coming...... I'm not interested in paying you to learn, not on my time or my nickle.. no way, no how, nor am I interested in just giving you money cuz I feel like it..... now piss off and go find some other sucker.... idiots

Thursday, October 23, 2008

I hate being sick !

Here we go again! I can't stand feeling out of being all plugged up like a bad drain, coughing every 6 seconds, taking medicine that does nothing except empty my damn wallet. I will soon be sick of soup, kleenex, drippy snot, and eventually people I'm sure.

This is just the beginning of this irritaing cold. It's just a fricking cold so no antibiotics are going to help. The doctor will only give you more shit thats not going to do anything. Great. I hate cough medicine. I'd rather lick my garage floor. I'd like to stay home, but, due to work volume, cant really afford to.

Nonetheless I am sick, which I haven't in a while. The throat is throbbing, the coughing... damn !. I can't really rest - I don't think it's in my DNA. I am so much less productive and so much more frustrated. Ok, I hate it, I'll just say it

You know what the funny part is? I always hated people who go to the office with the plague. Now I am one. What an asshole......

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Election time again ?

What a wonderful time to be a democracy isn't it ? Woo Hoo !

Now here in Canada, unlike the US, we have a number of choices for the leader of our free nation. I say that while I look over my shoulder for the bitch slap that should really follow such a statement.

Is it any doubt we have such low voter turnout ? People already know that no matter what happens, who win, and no matter the circumstances that victory is attained ( hear that America ?) that anything or maybe to some extent everything they promised was nothing more than a pantload (isn't that right Dalton McSquinty ?).

Well, I'm not about to sit by and watch these weasels sing and dance and promise the world without ever saying my piece.

So here we have Comrade Jack, spewing off about spending, spending and more spending. How will he do that ? Well its his intent to tell business to go screw themselves, that's how... nice.... isn't that whats killing our economy right now ? Oh yeh, forgot to tell you that part, how convenient. Seems to me he and his NDP typically leave nothing but carnage behind. Isn't that right Bob Rae ? Speaking of Bob, funny he's with another group now, changed his stripes, swapped teams, whatever.... Sure, we trust you. Yikes.....lets go ruin another team shall we ?

All I want to say is that all these yo yo's are really pigeons, all of em.... I haven't heard anyone outside of the Green's really try and deal with the issues that affect all of us. They are all spending too much time and energy using politics to win. discredit the other guy, win by default, not by telling what it is you are going to do to save us from ourselves. Sad part is, Green is just too, well, green, but their time will come.

Now, when some of the crews see they cant win, they are telling people to vote against other parties. How retarded. Nice battle plan..... good luck with that ... and still they will have sheep that believe that is actually a plan for success.

Idiots !

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Whats up with some people anyway ?

Every day I read something about some poor hard done by sap. Had his wallet stolen, bank account emptied, whatever. It occurred to me, why are these people always the same ones over and over that are the victims of these events ? You know why? They never do anything to change it.... oh poor me, why me ? Not me again.....

For me, thats a pantload, if you claim to be always be a victim, they are becoming a self-fulfilling prophecy. By wallowing in the self pity, they cant see all the possible opportunities that will move them ahead. Cry if you want, but this is voluntary, and you know it. Your not powerless, or blameless.

Get on with it will you ? Before your kids grow up just like you ..... when that happens, you have done nothing more than create more victims.... happy now ?