dont get me wrong....but generally, I
dont really have any issue with people having to opportunity to drive. What I do take issue with is the fact that people actually believe its a right. A right ? Are you
friggen joking me ? So imagine, if you will, you average trip to work in the morning , ever see any idiots behind the wheel, and you wonder how the fuck they ever got that license .... well wonder no more. I believe they all came to Brampton to get it. I just spent and hour driving around this, my home town, and I must say... UGLY. After all, it cant get any easier than being hooked up by your brother, who got the job at the licensing office as part of his most excellent refugee claim, along with his apartment and free dental.
Well screw that.... Ive been driving in this town for damn n
ear 30 years, and I cant believe the shit that goes on. What is with these goddamn idiots that will go across 3 lanes so they can hang a U turn right in the middle of the intersection. Where are the cops ? Nabbing some hard working taxpayer for doing 70 in a 60... get it together will you ?
I say let Darwin take care of em, all over..... cull the herd, no one will mind... I certainly wont .... it will be welcome retribution to see some stupid prick get blasted by a transport in the middle of an intersection because he's hanging a U turn in the left turn lane of a major intersection.... shame really, for the truck driver I mean. 1,000,000
Petro points to the guy in the rig....
Roll on .....